St. Vincent: Lawyer Applauds' Adventist Church after attending church service

NEWS | 16 February 2024 | CARU Staff

Community Guest Day is a special annual event hosted by the Kingstown Seventh-Day Adventist Church in St. Vincent. On December 30, 2023, the church used the opportunity to host its Community Guest Day and acknowledge and celebrate community members whose contributions have significantly impacted the community.

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Lawyer R. Theodore L. V. Browne who was recognized for his commitment to upholding justice and providing legal counsel in the community receives his recognition award from the representative of the church. Image by Kingston SDA Church

Community Guest Day is a special annual event hosted by the Kingstown Seventh-Day Adventist Church in St. Vincent. On December 30, 2023, the church used the opportunity to host its Community Guest Day and acknowledge and celebrate community members whose contributions have significantly impacted the community. The honorees hail from various fields, such as education, health, the legal fraternity, and the Coast Guard Services.

Lawyer R. Theodore L. V. Browne who was recognized for his commitment to upholding justice and providing legal counsel within our community celebrated the Adventist Church in a local newspaper noting that “the service was a most joyful and inspiring occasion.” The recognition was met with great appreciation and joy by the church and the community members.

The commendation which appeared in the Asbert News Network publicly acknowledged the credibility of the Adventist church. “You can trust the Adventist church” he noted. “You can trust the competence and research capability and capacity of the Seventh-day Adventist. They expose the truth based on the discovery of the facts.”

The Coast Guard department of St. Vincent and the Grenadines was recognized for 43 years of service to the community. The department was represented by this cohort of members. Image by Kingston SDA Church

“We give God thanks and we commend the Adventists for giving us the opportunity to be grateful and for helping us not to fall into the category of the 90% lepers in St Luke 17 who did not return to give thanks to Jesus after being cleansed of leprosy – that awful incurable malady with boils on the skin oozing a creamy, unpleasant smell, thereby making the leper socially unfit with a noisy bellringing clamor to draw the attention of the public to his presence or allowing them sufficient time to escape from his approaching presence,” Browne shared.

Mrs. Laura Brown, a dedicated educator was honored for her commitment to shaping the minds of the next generations. Mrs. Anita Williams, a retired dedicated nurse, was recognized for her tireless efforts in providing healthcare to those in need. She is noted for being selfless and committed to the well-being of our community. Members of the Coast Guard Services were celebrated for their dedication to ensuring the safety of the coastal community. “They have not gone unnoticed.

The pastor of the church, Pastor Shane Franklyn, expressed his appreciation for the work of these key persons in the community. He stated, “In the community, we're always utilizing their services despite whatever hate that they're receiving in the media and so forth. They still do their jobs and they do it well. We felt that it was warranted that they hear those words, 'thank you,' because sometimes we take for granted their services.”

Mrs. Anita Williams, a retired dedicated nurse receives her recognition award from the representative of the church. Image by Kingston SDA Church

During the service, church leaders and members joined, as they prayed a prayer of blessing over the awardees. “These are people who are not by power and authority, but by a sense of service,” commented the chief organizer of the program.

In his message to the church, Pastor Franklyn noted that our primary purpose is to engage in service by being the hands and feet of Jesus at all times and to all people. It is the ultimate definition of being Christlike.

The Community Guests Day provided an excellent opportunity for meaningful interactions among church members and those of the community. It facilitated the study of the Sabbath School lesson which fostered a sense of unity and purpose. The guests enjoyed a delightful atmosphere of friendship as they built connections with community members. The recognition of individuals emphasized the church's commitment to acknowledging and celebrating the diverse talents within their community.

St. Vincent and the Grenadines Mission covers the Adventist work in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. Its headquarters is in Kingstown, St. Vincent and the Grenadines. There are 39 congregations in the mission of which the Kingstown church is one. The membership stands at a little more than 12,638 members.